How Landscaping Services Can Reduce Home Energy Use

When you think of landscaping services, the first thing that comes to mind may be beautifying your home. However, there’s also a practical advantage. The way you use your land can have important implications for your energy bills. Take a look at some simple ways we can help you to save money, reduce home energy use, and create an outdoor space your family will love.

How Landscaping Services Can Reduce Home Energy Use

Overview of Landscaping and Energy Use:

Landscaping can help keep your home cooler or warmer in part by creating shade or blocking wind. It can also be used to help make any solar panels you may have work more effectively. The landscaping decisions you make can also affect how you light your home and how much water you’ll need to use.

Energy Efficient Landscaping for Our Collin County Texas Area:

While we enjoy warm weather most of the year, you can expect cold temperatures and sometimes a bit of snow mostly in January and February. For the rest of the year, you’re probably thinking about keeping your home cool, managing your air conditioning bills, and having a comfortable place for you and your family to spend time outdoors. We can help you with landscaping that creates shade and channels breezes. We can also recommend native plants and other ideas that can help you conserve water.

Landscaping and Lighting:

Granted, shade keeps you comfortable and cool. However, it’s also pleasant to have as much natural light as possible, which also helps you to cut down on how much electricity you use. Removing trees can give you more light, and there are often other options too like opening up tree canopies and layering plants so you can have the best of both worlds.

If you’re looking for a landscaping services company with top notch customer service, contact us at All Starr Tree & Landscape. We’re a locally owned and operated company serving residential and commercial clients.